Once collection presents the designs of Basak Cankes combined with works of two other artists who are very talented in creating unique pieces in their areas. The turning point came with photographer and film director Murathan Ozbek’s photography exhibit, Once. As she toured the show, Cankes began to wonder what it would be like if these photographs were to be featured on clothing. First, she combined Ozbek’s photographs with her designs and then she teamed up with textile artist Firat Neziroglu, who used hand weaving to incorporate the photographs’ surreal elements into the garments. The result was a collaborative collection, also named Once. The collection offers designs that are more than clothes and has an intellectual look and style like all other collections of Bashaques’. Each piece consists of a mixture of different art disciplines. Layers of the collection are inspired by traditional Turkish weaving art while, colors and shapes are inspired by Murathan Ozbek’s artworks.
The collection drew pralse from both Turkish and international press, winning Cankes the Mediterranean Fashion Prize as well as a spot on the YOTA initiative hosted by London’s Centre of Fashion Enterprise – and making her the first Turkish designer to hold either distinction.